Storch und Nilges
Tax and Legal Consultants

Eva Storch graduated in law and then, after her trainee period, worked from 1993 to June 1999 for KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, first as specialist assistant and then, on her admission as tax consultant in July 1997, as Prokuristin, officer with statutory authority, in the legal and fiscal department. Her work covered both questions in the fields of tax management and tax return consultancy and also organising and handling tax field audits. Her responsibilities focussed on the taxation of business partnerships together with economic and fiscal reorganization measures. As an independent lawyer and tax consultant, she specialises in advising those setting up new businesses, subsidiaries of foreign group companies and the general managers, executive boards and supervisory boards of public limited companies.
Eva Storch was admitted to practise as lawyer in August 1994 and she qualified as a specialist in fiscal law in February 2000.

Regine Nilges studied political economics and then worked from 1993 to 1998 for KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in the legal and fiscal department. On being admitted to practise as a tax consultant on 18 March 1998, she set up her own tax consultancy. Her work covers both questions in the fields of tax return and tax management consultancy and also the business economic aspects of corporate planning. She specialises in specific support services for those setting up new businesses and expanding their companies as well as public limited companies.